Thursday 20 November 2008

Ways to start the day

There are of course many ways to start the day.
Heres a shortlist of those that came my way this morning alone.

*thought* Oh Im awake. Aaaahh warm and comfy.
*memory* Dream dreamed last night
*thought* Hmm that wasnt a pleasant dream. Having Gordon Ramsey yelling at you and threatening to cut your toes off for not having tidied your room and for being unpleasant to your mum Dame Helen Mirren isnt nice.
*thought* telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly telly
*action* Turns TV on
*thought* Frasier's on... must be erm... earlyish o'clock.
*action* Turns phone on
*thought* will there be? will there be? will there be?
*action* Smiles
*action* Reads txt from Ducko
*action* Txts a response, then deletes following sudden bursts of fear about financial situation
*action* Worries about finances
*action* Gets up
*action* Turns radio on, bemoans the state of music today, goes to make coffee
*discovery* Theres nothing breakfasty to eat for breakfast
*action* Eats chocolate and orange minibites for breakfast with giant mug-o-coffee
*action* Smiles


watching9987 said...

*thought* what day is it? why won't my eyes open? what am I standing on? is it expensive?
*winces, does not look down, moves away*
*engages autopilot, wakes up in car on the A68 to find self behind a tractor. Frowns*
*engages autopilot, wakes up during year 11 coursework lesson.*
*action* checks phone for response.
*thought* Hmmm, still in bed much?
*action* checks google reader, ignores fight at back of the room.
*thought* Ahhh... so not in bed.
*action* reads blog, ignores blood spraying up walls.
*thought* Hehe, how lucky is Dr Ducko? If only he could find a way to communicate without costing texts...
*action, shouts* You're clearing that up before you leave. now put him down!
*engages autopilot*

:) x

Beth said...

you two are so damn cute i can't stand it :o)

Vix said...

humph. Id glare at you B and bite your ears if I didnt love you so much. *giggles and runs around in a circle before falling over in a heap* (i need my tea!)

Beth said...

don't talk about biting my ears if you don't mean it *grrrr*
