Thursday 6 November 2008

Tidyness and Pile-O-Stuff (TM)

Spent several hours today tidying. And as yet nothing is tidy. A binbag of clothes and bags has gone to charity... another binbag of rubbish awaits the binmen, carrier bag of magazines and another of cans and bottles awaits the recyclymen. There are now patches of visible carpet - where the invisible carpet is is anyones guess. I have even tidied out some drawers that havent been opened since the last time I tidied them out about a year ago.
The Pile-O-Stuff
(TM) residing in the wardrobe since the arrival of comfy chair a few months back has been sorted out. Pile-O-Stuff (TM) had been living on old uncomfy chair, and instead of actually tidying I did the usual of punching and kicking Pile-O-Stuff (TM) till it stayed in the wardrobe as long as something relatively substantial was holding the door closed.
Things found in Pile-O-Stuff
# Xmas presents from last year, bought for people and forgotten about so they got something else...
# Xmas presents for this year - astoundingly great stuff I thought Id lost and would have to re-buy...
# Bags of wool and material offcuts - but not the half finished knitted blanket or quilt...
# Lots of pairs of tights...
# Glow in the dark spider confetti...

Going to watch fireworks for Guy Fawkes day was great - even though I didnt get soup. Being distracted by Dr Ducko I did miss a fair bit of the pretty lights, but the distraction made up for that. As did Captain Boring who someone had employed to MC the event, as the final banger went off,
"Well, thats it."

1 comment:

watching9987 said...

Captain Boring was great. My favourite was "Can the children please move away from the bouncy trampolines as they are in the Drop Zone"... That's tension that is...

Hehe - had to type SUPPLE to leave a comment.