Monday 9 March 2009

life... continued

Stuff that is around today seems mostly to be left overs from recent or more distant past. Stating the obvious maybe?

For some time Ive been wanting to take a walk around the city - photograph some of the beautiful things that people dont usually look at. Shop level - cities can be interesting. Mostly they are ugly and depressing. Take a look up. If you are lucky, there will be something worth seeing. Newcastle had a huge building boom in the Georgian era - and then they knew how to build. There are grand facades above the 'buy cheap crap here on credit' stores. Beautiful intricate carvings. A building covered in suns. Design incorporated into the copper linings of the roof tops. Windows to view the world from, and let light in, unlike modern developments where striplighting makes windows virtually unnecessary. On saturday my dizzies allowed the walk. Ducko accompanying to prevent me falling from stairs and flat ground when suddenly Id spot something worth photographing.
The more you look, the more you see.
Theres a church, an unusual church - some rediculous planner in the 60s or 70s - another building boom era - this time full of corruption and uglyass buildings - gave the go ahead for an office block to be built feet away from it. The graveyard is uncared for. There was a pile of rubbish, a discarded tv, and some incredible gravestones.
Ive always loved graveyards.

I didnt get the job i interviewed for the other week. Got the phonecall on friday morning. Not the nicest way to be woken. More applications are flying out from my computer daily. Hope a parent gets back soon or Im gonna be one dizzy person on the bus to the jobcentre this afternoon.

Nothing new has happened with the best friend. Another friend is worrying herself sick with stresses. I shall make her a cake as soon as im capable of mixing without falling over.

Yet another amiga had a reading of her new playlet - not being facetious here - it was a bit of a play so im calling it a playlet - on friday night. It was very good. I giggled. I got cola up my nose.

Ducko and I had fun smashing stuff over the weekend. smashy smashy smashy. Fortunately the wall needed redoing as the plaster was blown, but it was impressive how much glass and pottery we got embedded in it. I have always thought smashing stuff must be hugely theraputic. I was right.

(my room is still a mess)


Beth said...

you'll be snapping at my heels with the photo site soon :) some great pics.

so you have another friend worrying herself sick too, what a coin-cidink! oh, wait.... ;o)

mmmmmmmmm cake! the stress is almost worth it, for cake! :)

Beth said...

oh, and i can still only think of 2 mondays songs. bangles and boomtowns. what's the third?????

Vix said...

its the one i started the post with... monday monday la la la la laaa la so good to be.. la laaa la la laaa laa. erm il go look for it.

Beth said...

oh. i thought you were just doing a thing. monday monday la la la, tuesday tuesday la la la.... you get the general idea!