Friday 5 December 2008

Sore ears

Ooooh I feel like a right whinge. But Im gonna say this anyway.
My ears hurt. Will get better in time Im told. Not much comfort at the moment. I
NEED to find some anti dizzy tablets. I know where there are a couple - but not enough. KNEW I shoulda asked for more when the Dr told me the sore ears/throatyness would get better by itself. eventually.

Im going to hear Louis de Bernieres talk on sunday - apparently its in a little place in the middle of nowhere.

Time for some dizziness maths.

Middle of nowhere = Twisty roads

Twisty roads = Dizzy me

Darkness = Dizzy me

Twisty roads + Darkness = Dizzy me squared.

So - if i cant find any more meds this is gonna be a nightmare.

Aside from that its money and job worries as usual - exacerbated somewhat by impending xmas - making presents is however much fun.

and now a timely reminder
The beloved Ducko's book is out. ((*&...
ok il try that again
9987 - available from Tonto books online and preorder on Amazon!
It may be thought that Im just hawking this here coz its Duckos - Im not. Its an amazing book. Real - Disturbing - Funny - That and the cover will look great on your bookshelf when you arent re-reading it - even tho the Publishers wouldnt let him call it Lesbian Nurses....

Jumper is still itchy.

(and if this post looks odd - it wouldnt let me sort out the font sizing... if it looks ok - never mind)

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