Monday 2 May 2011

Day 5: Favorite action

Day 5: Favorite action

Gah... another tough one. Hrmmm...

First one that came to mind.. Die Hard... but.. not the first.

Die Hard III, DieHard with a Venegeance.

Got pretty much all you could want from an action film.

Bruce Willis in a vest.

Jeremy Irons in a vest.

And I'm pretty sure.. a glimpse of... Samuel L Jackson in a vest.

Its a vest fest!

Theres cars... trucks.. reverse badge number reading.. gold bars.. trains... massive tunnels.. vats of explosive goo.. I could go on.

Of course.. its not the most cerebral of plots. But it is a compelling one. Yet again John Mclaine has buggered things up with wifey... is in a vest and hung over. This time theres an evil puppet master with a grudge.. or is it yet again all about the money? Nah.. its BOTH! One vicious woman with a knife later and theres plenty of the red stuff around to slip on, courtesy of the one dumb guard with a shotgun who really should have let the money go. Not like he was going to get a gold bar on retirement. Smattering of racism, bit of sammich board walking and off we go.. several destinations to reach, a puzzle or two to solve along the way - one of which - the water container one - ranks up there with the talking doors of the labyrinth in its mindbogglingness. The double, the triple, the quadruple cross amps up the - it's ok I can watch this without feeling guilty coz theres a plot - but its just that. Amping up what is already a very watchable film. Car chases. Truck chases. Boat chases?

Yippy Kai Yay MutherFucker!

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