Thursday 24 March 2011

Word of the whatever

new title.. snappy eh?

word of the whatever is....


Not the most... throughbred of words. But I use it a lot. Meh too.. which I suppose is almost its antonym. It's a good reaction. Doesn't give too much away, doesn't show all your cards, yet is a good deal better at communicating vocal feelings than a blank stare. A blank stare is hard to pull off through a computer screen.

Ooh.. that reminds me, years before the rick roll there was a fun email that went around stating that new technology made it possible for computer monitors to take an image of whoever was sitting at them, simply from the light levels reflected from their faces. Of course you tried it. You stared at the screen like it told you to. You waited. And waited. Until the picture of a monkey scratching its head in confusion filled the screen. Very funny. But I digress.

The 'Heh' of today was brought on by an event I was not even at. Ducko had a meet and greet with some bookish folk, and one who turned down a story of mine for their publication was there, so he went and poked at it. They actually remembered the story.

Hence my reaction. 'Heh'
Followed up in short order by 'Sure... just like all great fraud psychics KNOW the people you are related to who have passed on.'

But apparently, not the case. They actually did remember it. Still didn't want it... but remembered it. That's something anyway. *tries not to think.. well dictators and mass murderers are remebered but not wanted as well* Damn brain hates me.

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