Monday 25 October 2010

still not it..

Nope, still not it. But I had to share this from the book I am reading, to make you thankful for modern medicine.

There is no mention of what this very real French remedy of the 1500's was for, but it states..

Take 2 new-born puppies, 1 pound of earthwortms, 2 pounds of lillies, 16 ounces of Venice turpentine, 1 ounce aqua vitae.
Boil the puppies (alive) in the oil. Add the worms which have been drowned in white wine. Boil and strain. Add the other ingredients.

I think we can all agree, mean and ew.

Oh, and I did wake up in time for work today. I woke up at least 6 times. Each time thinking I was late. I know I woke up from four separate dreams in which I was already doing the work I was waking up to be late for. I dislike early mornings. Although the sky was very pretty.

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