Tuesday 7 April 2009

Its been a while...

Stained song.. love it. Has memories attatched... am trying to overlook.
moving on...

Yes anyway it seems like its been AGES. It probably hasnt. You may well be sick of me.
mwuuhahaha TOUGH.

Its not like life has been hectic. It was supposed to have been hectic these past days. I managed to find an alternate route. (I would have preferred the hectic)

I have been ill.

Saturday saw me dressed up all smart like for a stage of a job interview. Butterflies I assumed. They didnt go away. They put cloggs on. Then hobnail boots and started kicking the...
(ill leave the rest to you...)

Nobody likes being ill. Im verging, no im not verging, Im smack dab in the middle of being phobic about it. Hopefully I am getting better at dealing with it though, it seems as though I am.
I didnt run home to me mam. Some bravery there, some common sense... its quite a drive from Duckos to my place...
Ducko. bless him. I did warn him im not nice when im ill. (doubt he realises how much nicer i was this time around than i usually get) He was lovely. He rubbed my back. He brought me the kittehkat to cheer me up.

Anyhoo... I assumed I wouldnt be getting the phonecall on monday to say I progressed to the next stage. Not coz i was ill during the first stage - that came later - but coz i thoroughly messed up one of the tests, remembering entirely the wrong things and thus not getting any of the questions right. How wrong I was! Not about getting a whole lot wrong - i KNOW i did that, but I got the call.




now I have to be thoroughly well by wednesday, and I have to rearrange and get cover for my time at Sams. this may not seem bad but because of this ill iv already had to rearrange 2 other things both of which are virtually impossible to do.

Now its tuesday night. I have a 7 hour interviewwy thing tomorrow. with the dizzies and not quite 100% wellness to contend with.

Oh.. and they need a copy of and to see the original of my degree certificate. Which has managed to disappear. ho hum...

Keep fingers and toes crossed for me?


Beth said...

ooooh exciting about interview!
did the degree cert turn up?
sorry to hear you've been ill though.

Vix said...

no sign of cert.. tho i havent looked since. Im assuming the gnomes have stoled it away.

thatl be £36 for a replacement then. Would a cleaner to tidy my room and find it for me be cheaper?
*looks around room*
probably not.

ooh my word verification is Glyophe. pleasingly scientifiky sounding.