Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day 4: Favorite drama

Day 4: Favorite drama



What the hell is drama, compared to anything else.... hrmmm....

Drama.... Drama... Drama.. Drama.


Thats nice and Drama..y. It's got Alan Rickman in too!

Its the adaptation of the book, and its a pretty good adaptation really. Not a lot in it that makes your teeth itch with what they have left out / changed - for that you can watch the latest Harry Potter.
Beautifully shot, some amazing effects, not something to be expected in a film like this, but the crumple of a particular building is spot on. The exploration of the intricacies of the main character are dulled from the book, but its a hard thing to get across in film I suppose, especially when the narrator is external.

The films kinda special to me for two reasons.
My friend leant me the book. I still have it, but no longer have the friend. Bittersweet. More Bitter than sweet.
I tried to watch the film so many times the summer before last. Back when I was working in the library, I would borrow it each weekend, and invariably, fall asleep, exhausted and dizzy before the end. Poor Ducko has seen the film a lot. When I eventually got to see the end. It was just right. Not altered, not made Hollywood happy, just the right happy for the character it fit.

It should suit you if you like a bit of humanity, wrapped up in beautiful surroundings, with an orgy thrown in to boot.

Love it.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Day 3: Favorite comedy

Day 3: Favorite comedy


wow... on Easter.. well, monday now.
Another I am unlikely ever to watch again.. heh... this list is really REALLY opening up just how messed up I am!

Still, the film, is so funny, you may need to pack spare clothes.

Any film with Alan Rickman is worth a watch, in this, he is The Voice... and as such can neither imbibe alcohol, or have genetalia.

It also has the BEST, most realistic scene ever, a glimpse into the true and natural reaction any stoner who likes to think they are wise in the way of the world would have, when confronted with fallen angels having their wings ripped off and Alanis Morisette as GOD shrieking so that everyone arounds head explodes.

Truly excellent. Who wouldnt want to get to know the Buddy Christ, eat at Moobys, or carve a Voodoo figure out of an onion, or watch Salma in her pink bra lolita dance.

Oh, and Silent Bob speaks.


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Day 2: Least favorite film

Day 2: Least favorite film

Hrmm... well this is tough. Because, well if you have a least favourite film.. why on earth would you watch it? For this reason, I will have to go with one that was inflicted on me last Christmas I think it was.

Mamma Mia.

Dont get me wrong, I love Abba. yeah I said it. But the film.. oh the film... is enough to make you wish your nails were made of something stronger so you could actually peel your skin off to distract you. Not to besmirch what to many must be a great fun enjoyable film. Its just not for me. For songs that have meaning to be made trite by a flimsy love story, played out by people you just cant believe in is a shame.

I'm adding on another 2001 a Space whatever. Awful. Dull Dull Dull, with such a violently awful ambient soundtrack it made my head hurt till I cried. Yuck.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Day 1: Favorite film

Obviously this isnt going to be the 30 day movie challenge in 30 days.. we all know Im far from that organised and disciplined.

But anyway.. here goes.

Day 1: Favorite film

My favourite film, is The Crow.

I watched this with friends on what still stands as my best birthday ever. many Many.. oh crikey... disturbingly many birthdays ago.. shit... 10? really? yikes. Well, there was a reuniting with a friend.. one who again is unable to be in my life.. for too long a time now for me to bear to think about.. but this post is about the film. The film is amazing.. I love it, and it may always be my favourite film. It will stay that way because I can't watch it. Memories that make me want to not be here well up like toxic burning tar layered with petrol in my chest the milisecond I let myself think about why I can't watch it. So I will try very hard to get away from that again now.. Back to the times I can stand to remember. The film is beautiful, a totaly fantasy for the twisted darkness. The soundtrack is amazing.. Brandon Lee... so beautiful, and the film was his last. Taking his life. Top Dollar. My ideal villan. The voice of silk on gravel. Blood on shattered glass.
The film is a delight. Its sequels... despite one having Iggy Pop.. dont cut it. The more numbers, or words added to the title, the less it means. Don't watch them. Pour yourself a glass of red wine, keep the bottle handy.. Keep your Gun on the coffee table... turn off the lights.. and watch this.