Thursday 30 October 2008


Eating a ham and cheese sarnie and drinking a beer counts as productive right?
Im under Dr's orders not to scratch at my tattoos - not a real doctor - not yet anyway - so im only half taking the advice, not scratching so much as accidentally walking backwards into stuff that might hit an itchy bit.
Am also pleased today to find an unviewed episode of scrooobs - finally explaining all the bits that appear later in clip shows that I'd never actually seen in any of the series. As said episode is mid way through season one, its a pretty impressive display of my ineptitude.
And theres no red liquorice left. must buy more.
... well... i have tidying to avoid doing... and clothes to not get around to picking out for tomorrow... and baking to do... and red liquorice to buy...


watching9987 said...

Don't you scratch them. You'll end up with Big Gay Dragons all over your back. And believe me, no one wants that...

Plus, purely out of spite, you spelled Scrubs wrong...

ArtSparker said...

Wow - you really JUST started blogging, didn't you? I like your deep existential ponderations & style. I'm connected to you via the black box, that is you visited my blog & i got curious. Hope your tattoos treat you right.

Vix said...

Incorrect Dr watching... Scrubs is Scrooobs. Much like Moors are Moooers, or so I'm told.

Artsparker - eesh do i appear terribly noobish? Tattoo healing itch comes and goes - as you can see im threatened with dragons each time I attempt to scratch.

Beth said...

Do you think it was the ham and cheese sarnie that sent you sick?

Am so excited you have a blog. nice one.

Which ep hadn't you seen???

Heh. The word verification word is 'inerchy'. The less-ept version of anarchy, perhaps?? ;o)

Vix said...

Nope B wasnt that. lets not think too much about it shall we? xxx

Beth said...

But which ep hadn't you seeeeeeeen???

Vix said...

the one where elliot poops a brick and dr kelso rips his face off to beome carrot top

Beth said...

I had entirely forgotten about that ep.